Please .... !!!!

Agar mendapatkan nilai throughput yang tinggi

Kami sarankan semua clients menggunakan antena antena grid

sangat sangat kami anjurkan

menggunakan antena GRID

Gunakan antena seperti ini



Best Connection

Replacement projector bulb BENQ SP820

Replacement projector bulb BENQ SP820

Supplied equipment: gloves, filter
Lamplife (hours): 2000
Performance (W): 280
Lamp type: P-VIP

Changing the lamp:
1. Turn off the projector and unplug it. Let the projector cool for at least 45 minutes. The hot lamp can burn you!
2. Find the lamp cover on the projector and remove it by loosening the screws on it.
3. Use a proper screwdriver to loosen the screws which secure the lamp inside the projector.
4. Grasp the lamp by its wire handrail or handle plate and carefully remove it.
5. At this point, always clean the projector and replace the air filter which provides air to the lamp.
6. Install the new lamp according to the aforementioned instructions in the reverse order.
7. Turn on the projector and turn the lamp operation counter to zero.

Changing a bare lamp without module:
1. Turn off the projector and unplug it. Let the projector cool for at least 45 minutes. The hot lamp can burn you!
2. Find the lamp cover on the projector and remove it by loosening the screws on it.
3. Use a proper screwdriver to loosen the screws which secure the lamp inside the projector.
4. Grasp the lamp by its wire handrail and carefully remove it.
5. At this point, always clean the projector and replace the air filter which provides air to the lamp.
6. Remove all impurities from the lamp module. If it is damaged, or if the connectors are oxidized, order a new complete module – you will thereby prevent and potential damage to the lamp or to the projector!
7. Examine and remeber in detail the method by which the lamp is fastened in the module, and the method of clamping the connectors – or mark the original connection.
8. If one of the connector parts is firmly fastened to the lamp, it will be necessary to disconnect it. Plug the cable eye to the end of the connector. The cable eye is included with the lamp.
9. Carefully remove the old lamp from the module. Wear a glove when installing the new lamp. The glove is included with the lamp. Never touch the lamp with your bare hand!
10. Insert the new lamp into the module and tighten the connectors.
11. Install the new lamp according to the aforementioned instructions in Numbers 1 to 5 in the reverse order.
12. Turn on the projector and turn the lamp operation counter to zero.

Reset the lamp counter hours of operation for the projector BENQ SP820
1. Turn on the projector
2. While the projector is on, press “MENU” to open the menu
3. Select “OPTION” in the “MENU” by pressing buttons “5 / 6”, then press “ENTER”
4. Select “LAMP TIMER” (hour counter) by pressing buttons “5 / 6”, then press “RESET” for at least 3 seconds.
5. Select “RESET” by pressing button “5”

card reader HuBMas

Power adaptor ada diatas plavon. Kabel AC dipojok ruang tunggu naik ke atas ext. blok.
power adaptor 12V.AC pake socket.(4412)

filter warning ( sanyo )

reset filter counternya.

menu setting - filter counter - kemudian reset
seharusnya dalam hal ini perlu dilakukan penggantian filternya, recomended searching google.

call tanberg jakarta

ruang besar -----> Main PTB Jakarta
ruang kecil -----> Muara Badak

klik menu tanbergnya cari menu call.
terus mainkan aja dech mau call ke ruang kecil atau ruang besar.
syarat di lokasi yg mau di calling hrs dalam keadaan ON.
dialing secara otomatis konek.

reset lamp projector TOSHIBA TDP-T91A

Reset the lamp counter hours of operation for the projector TOSHIBA TDP-T91A
1. Turn-off the device by pressing the “ON/STANDBY” and unplug the power cord
2. In the meantime, hold down buttons “ON/STANDBY”, “MENU” and “INPUT and plug-in the power cord
3. The lamp operation counter will automatically turn to zero
4. Check if the lettering “0H” appears on the lamp operation counter in the status display
5. After the lamp operation counter has turned to zero, turn off the projector by pressing “ON/STANDBY” and unplug the device.

type lampu = TLPLW3A

konfigurasi pemasangan Card reader

Untuk lock pintu konfigurasi sebagai berikut :
1. Kabel merah dari 10 kabel ketemu atau sambungkan dengan kabel merah dari 7 kabel. ( jumper )
2. Kabel warna hitam dari 7 kabel sambungkan ke kunci pintu
3. Kabel warna kuning dari 10 kabel sambungkan ke kunci pintu
dari kedua warna kabel itu terpasang boleh secara bolak balik
4. Kabel warna hitam & abu abu pada 10 kabel dipergunakan untuk tombol buka pintu dari dalam

Untuk kabel power
1. standard penggunaan POE warna PC-C
PC sambung ke hitam ( - )
C sambungkan ke merah ( + )
PB-B = +
PC-C = -

Dimulai dari warna kuning berurutan 1236 standart B

projector display tidak muncul

setting di displaynya.
pilih clone setup.
& tekan kombinasi tombol view. (Fn + ...) ingat bukan huruf F & N tapi tombol Fn :-))

pastikan source/input projectornya uda benar.

Tampilan Gepeng ( vicon )

Please Call communication Group.
atau coba dari bontang dimatikan, yang call dari jakarta.
Biasanya normal kembali.

Permasalahn disini adalah setting dari Tanbergnya.
Layar Projector kita belum support auto matching resolution.
Communication group bisa setting remote tanbergnya.

conf standard cisco ( authorize only )

Telnet address cat
masukan username & passw
Masukan password.

Cek status : sho int sta

cek power voip : sho pow inli

reset 2900 : clear mac --- > secure
reset 2950 : clear por --- > sticky
reset 2650 : clear por --- > all

menyimpan configurasi : wr me

terminasi RJ45


1 PO - PO
2 O - O
3 PH - PH
4 B - B
5 PB - PB
6 H - H
7 PC - PC
8 C - C

1 PO - PH
2 O - H
3 PH - PO
4 B - B
5 PB - PB
6 H - O
7 PC - PC
8 C - C

ket. PO = putih orange, O = Orange, PH = putih hijau, ......
untuk data yang dipergunakan tx/rx adalah 1236

Gembok W***

1-0 B dhcp ip address
Q-P J static ip address
1 10x guest house
0 10x sawo kecik

Setting & Configurasi Printer Ellipse

1. Install driver printer & setting Share printer sesuai dengan name printer servernya.
2. Pastikan print servicenya terinstall.
klo belum install terlebih dahulu " other network file & print services
3. restart komputer untuk menu print service aktif
4. start servicesnya.
5. test print
lpr -S (ip komputer/printer) -P file
lpr -S -P ls-02-ep-lq2180 test.txt

6. cek firewall permitionnya. "515"

untuk di receiving ada setting khusus menggunakan kertas size 6 inci (label print) setting di printernya

Network Lambat / telepon mati mati ( VOIP )

Setting port catalyst PTB rata rata 10mbps/half duplex.
Sedangkan Speed dari Voip yg dipasang Auto Sense ( 100MBPS/full duplex ). Pemasangan dilapangan yang terbaik adalah LAN port setting Auto nego & setting port PC pada handsetnya 10 mbps half agar PC atau komputer auto nego dengan port PC konfigurasi yang tersetting di handsetnya. Apabila kedua port baik catalyst diset manual & tport lan pada handset jga manual terkadang terjadi intermitten, ndak tahu knapa kok bisa begitu. yg penting solusinya adalah Cat set Manual konfigurasi & handset yang mengarah ke Cat ( lan Port set autu nego ) tidak ada masalah.
troubleshooting :
Setting LAN konfigurasi Clients ke 10 mbps/half duplex agar sinkron dengan speed Cat.
Untuk komputer DELL remove installer management networknya ( control panel ).
kemudian install standar LAN windows ( plug & play ) catat terlebih dahulu IP Addressnya.

istilah hal ini bahasa kerennya adalah bottlenec.

Apa itu bottleneck?
Bottleneck bila diartikan secara bebas adalah leher botol. Jika diartikan secara 'kasar', artinya adalah penyempitan jalur. Lihat saja leher botol, selalu menyempit daripada badannya. Perumpamaan ini banyak digunakan dalam berbagai bidang. Tidak dalam dunia yang berhubungan dengan komputer saja yang memakai istilah bottleneck. Ketika diterapkan dalam lalu lintas, bottleneck adalah penyempitan lebar jalan dari kondisi lebar jalan yang normal [entah karena gangguan, perbaikan jalan atau masalah yang lain], di salah satu titik/ ruas jalan, sehingga mengakibatkan kemacetan atau perlambatan arus lalu lintas. Sebagai contoh misalnya jalur/ pintu tol. Atau bayangkan saja jalan raya yang melewati pasar tumpah pada saat arus mudik.

Itu selama ini solusi yg saya temukan, & alhamdulliah berhasil

mudah mudahan solved.

Novell Groupwise Client for Ubuntu

Sometimes Novell can make a Linux fan rip their hair out!

Novell never develops their mainstream products to work outside of SUSE Linux Enterprise. With a few modifications you can get things such as the Novell Client to function with OpenSUSE. However, if you are more of an Ubuntu fan, most of the times you feel left out of the loop by Novell. Due to my refusal to accept this proprietary notion by Novell, I’ve researched, located, and even developed a few work arounds for using Novell products and protocols under Ubuntu.

As an administrator of information services at an educational institution, I have to constantly face managing items like Novell Groupwise and E-Directory. These items consume my time. I don’t have so much time to contend with my work desktop or laptop! Meaning that SUSE just will not work for me…

I mean quite simply I don’t have hours and days to attempt to resolve package dependences on my desktop when I need to be resolving them server side. Thus Ubuntu is my desktop/laptop operating system of choice at work. Over the coming days I will show you how to get the essentials for Novell management to function on an Ubuntu Desktop. As the first part of this series I will show you how to get the Groupwise email client to function on your workstation.

Step One – Download the Groupwise Client and extract


tar -xzvf gw801_client_linux_en.tar.gz

Step Two – Use Alien to covert .rpm to .deb installation packages

If you don’t have alien then please run the following commands:

sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install alien

Now let’s navigate to the directory which was extracted during step one:

cd gw8.0.1-88138_client_linux_en

Let’s become root:

sudo su

Convert the packages via alien:

alien -c novell-groupwise-client-8.0.1-88138.i586.rpm && alien -c novell-groupwise-gwcheck-8.0.1-88138.i586.rpm

Step Three – Install the package via dpkg

dpkg -i *.deb

Now you should have a desktop icon and an icon under Applications, Internet for Groupwise

Step Four – Marking the desktop Groupwise icon as trusted

Right click on the untrusted Groupwise icon. Click properties, select the permissions tab, and mark as executable.

You are done. Short of plugging in your Groupwise settings you are ready to go. Have fun and enjoy!

**Note this will not work on x64 systems only i386 because the Groupwise package is developed only under the 32 bit architecture.